Trends Top ICT
UX Design

Trends Top Magazine: Digital Product Design & Development.

Pàu was founded in 2011 and has witnessed solid growth in recent years. We develop and implement applications, linking the strategic advice of a creative agency to the expertise and know-how of a technology company.

"We are navigating flawlessly in these quite exciting and uncertain times. The strong corporate culture 'People First' brings inspiration and dynamism. We encourage teamwork in this exceptionally productive sector. As Pàu One Team, we want to move forward with a solid future perspective where digital strategy and customer experience receive all the attention. "
Anthony Iudicello

Digital Strategy

For many companies, the digitization of services is quite difficult, as digital strategist Dirk Bollen also knows. “By reviewing current services through a digital lens, we see that new opportunities are quickly opening up with an impact on the entire business.

Pau's digital strategists help you formulate and execute a digital strategy. Throughout various discovery workshops, we map out the challenges and convert them into solid designs in order to further implement them.

"Customer Experience is an absolute priority on the digital agenda for many of our customers. A personal, meaningful experience with a brand represents a sustainable investment in the relationship with the customer. By combining digital transformation with product development and technological innovation, we see the importance of user experience research and strategy as essential to connect 'one on one' and digitally with the customer. During a digital service design track, we build a prototype to provide an answer to this strategic question. "
Lily Mazinova
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Throughout an innovation workshop, we evaluate how digitization offers added value to your company and sector.

What can Pàu do for you?

Get in touch with our experts to see how we can do to achieve your key goals and challenges!

We give user experience a central role while maintaining a pragmatic approach in relation to technical and business context!

Do these sound like you?

If you think we can help you and your business, drop us a line!

Dirk Bollen PhD
Pàu NV
BE 0834 918 887
Frankrijklei 115, 2000 Antwerpen
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